VANET is a special type of MANET, where in vehicles act as nodes. Not like MANET, vehicles move on predefined roads, vehicles speed is determined by the velocity signs and additionally these vehicles additionally must comply with road traffic signs and road traffic signals. There are numerous challenges in VANET which can be wanted to be solved to be able to provide reliable offerings. Steady & reliable routing in VANET is likely one of the fundamental disorders. Accordingly more study is needed to be carried out in an effort to make VANET more relevant. As vehicles have dynamic conduct, excessive velocity and mobility that make routing much more difficult. In this paper, presenting a brief study on VANET its characteristics, types of routing protocols, Trust models and its security.
1. Introduction
2. VANET Routing Protocols
3. Characteristics of VANET
4. Security Requirements of VANET
5. Trust In VANET
6. Trust Models in VANET
7. Literature Survey
8. Problem Statement
9. Conclusion