

ADEC-Energy Proficient Four-Level Deterministic Hierarchical Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network



As the popularity of Wireless sensor network is increasing and they are developed to perform a number of tasks, the issue of constrained energy of the sensor nodes is constantly raised by many researchers in past time. Many algorithms focus on the judicious use of the energy of sensor nodes to extend network lifetime for homogeneous as well as heterogeneous sensor networks. Clustering algorithms have been devised to optimize the energy consumption of a sensor network. In this paper we have extended the concept of heterogeneity in the deterministic energy efficient DEC protocol and proposed an advance deterministic energy proficient clustering technique for Wireless sensor network. We have implemented the DEC clustering algorithm in four level node hierarchies to enhance the sensor network life time, stability, and total remaining energy of the system. The simulated results show improved results in terms of energy consumption and hence in extending the network lifetime.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Work
 3. Problem Statement
 4. Mathematical Model
 5. Performance Parameter
 6. Proposed Work
  6.1. Network Model
  6.2. Network Assumptions
 7. Simulation and Result Discussion
 8. Conclusion


  • Mamta Tewari Department of Computer Science Engineering, BTKIT, Dwarahat-263656, District- Almora, Uttarakhand, India
  • Kunwar Singh Vaisla Department of Computer Science Engineering, BTKIT, Dwarahat, District- Almora, Uttarakhand, India


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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