피인용수 : 0건 (자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)
Targeting at the features of concurrency and mobility, π calculus nowadays could serve as a highly effective tool of modeling and evaluating the software system. After a brief introduction of π calculus, the paper mainly discusses a comparison algorithm based on π calculus which is used frequently in software modeling. Since there are two different ways of data storage: the random storage and the linked list storage of elements, the paper analyzes both, with the special emphasis on the algorithm in the comparison carried on by any two elements.
1. Introduction
2. A Brief Introduction of π-calculus
2.1. Interaction
2.2. π-Calculus Syntax
3. The Comparison of Any Two Elements in the Well-Ordered Set by Using Random Storage of Π Calculus
4. The Comparison of Any Two Elements in the Well-Ordered Set by Using Linked-List Storage of Π Calculus
5. Conclusion
1. Introduction
2. A Brief Introduction of π-calculus
2.1. Interaction
2.2. π-Calculus Syntax
3. The Comparison of Any Two Elements in the Well-Ordered Set by Using Random Storage of Π Calculus
4. The Comparison of Any Two Elements in the Well-Ordered Set by Using Linked-List Storage of Π Calculus
5. Conclusion
자료제공 : 네이버학술정보