

텍스트 개방을 통한 새로운 영어학습방법론 모색


On the New English Teaching Method through Open Texts.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Sung, Ilho. “On the New English Teaching Method through Open Texts.” Studies in English Language & Literature. 42.2 (2016): 161-185. TV shows and game texts can narrow the gap between course-book texts and natural usage. Especially foreign language learners feel disconnected from the real use of the English of the inner circle. This issue must be dealt with so that all English learning students are given access to the real English provided through open texts such as TV shows and games. The purpose of this study is to analyze and compare learning components of the open texts and its response from the students. A test for imperative mood in the TV shows and a questionnaire survey about attitudes towards the game texts were carried out. A total of 60 English Education major students took part in the experiment during the fall semester of 2015. The questionnaire used 22 questions to measure course experience of the English texts of the two games. Based on the results of the study, suggestions for providing students with an awareness and importance of open texts were made. (Wonkwang University)


 1. 영어학습 텍스트의 시대적 변화
 2. TV 쇼를 통한 미국대학의 문학 강의 실상
 3. TV 쇼를 통한 문법범주 항목과 예문 정리
 4. TV 쇼의 명령문의 형태와 명령문 완성 테스트
 5. 게임의 영어 텍스트 정리 및 반응 설문 조사
 6. 결론 및 제언
 Works Cited


  • 성일호 Sung, Ilho.. 원광대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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