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The Influence of Optical Porosity of Tree Windbreaks on Windward Wind Speed, Erosive Force and Sand Deposition




The research was conducted windward of an irrigated Acacia amplicips Maslin windbreak established to protect As Salam Cement Plant from winds and moving sands. Two belts with approximate optical porosities of 50% and 20% were studied in River Nile State, Sudan. The research aimed at assessing the efficiency of the two belts in wind speed reduction and sand deposition. Research methods included: (i) estimation of optical porosity, (ii) measurements of windward wind speeds at a control and at distances of 0.5 h (h stands for windbreak height), 1 h and 2 h at two vertical levels of 0.25 h and 0.5 h, (iii) estimation of relative wind speeds at the three positions (distance and height) at windward and (iv) estimation of wind erosive forces and prediction of zones of sand deposition. Results show that while the two belts reduced windward wind speeds at the two levels for the three distances, belt II was more effective. Nearest sand deposition occurred at 2 h and 1h windward of belt II and belt I, respectively, at level 0.25 h. At level 0.5 h, sand was deposited only at 2 h windward of belt II and no sand deposition occurred windward of belt I. The study concludes that less porous windbreaks are more effective in reducing wind speed and in depositing sand in windward direction at a distance of not less than twice the belt height.


 Materials and Methods
  Prediction of erosiveness of winds
  Delineation of zones of sand deposition
  Comparisons of open and relative wind speeds
  Delineation of zones of sand deposition
  Open, relative wind speeds and wind speed reduction coeffic
  Prediction of erosiveness of winds
  Delineation of zones of sand deposition


  • Dafa-Alla M.D. Faculty of Forestry, University of Khartoum-Shambat, Khartoum North 13314, Sudan
  • Nawal K.N. Al-Amin College of Forestry and Range Science, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Khartoum 11113, Sudan


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