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An Assesesment of Leaf Chlorophyll Concentration of Afforestation Tree Species in South-Eastern, Nigeria



Leaf chlorophyll content provides valuable information about physiological status of plants. However, fewer studies have investigated the difference in chlorophyll concentration in leaves of tropical afforestation tree species. Therefore, this study examines the difference in foliar chlorophyll contents of six tropical afforestation tree species namely: Tectona grandis, Pentaclethra macrophylla, Piptademiastrum africanum, Azadirachta indica, Brachystegia eurycoma and Gmelina arborea found in the relict forest in Umudike, South east, Nigeria. A single factor experiment in a completely randomised design in three replicates was employed to analyse the rate of leaf chlorophyll contents. Fisher’s least significant different was used to test for significance in mean difference in foliar chlorophyll contents between tree species at 95% confidence interval using analysis of variance. The results of this study showed a significant difference in foliar chlorophyll concentration between the tree species with Tectona grandis having a higher chlorophyll concentration than other trees this could be as a result of its higher vegetative activity which increases its primary productivity followed by Pentaclethra macrophylla while Azadirachta indica having least the chlorophyll concentration. The study further revealed that other indigenous tree species like Piptademiastrum africanum and Brachystegia eurycoma have higher chlorophyll concentration. Further studies should be carry out to examine factors that have contributed informed the differences in the chlorophyll concentration of these trees species, thus this would broaden the understanding of their physiological status and equally encourage there conservation.


 Materials and Methods
  Study Area
  Sampling Techniques
  Statistical analysis
 Results and Discussion
  Chlorophyll concentration
  Chlorophyll concentration


  • Agbaeze Umazi Udeagha Department of Forestry and Natural Environmental Management, University of Uyo, Uyo 520271, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, Department of Forest Technology, Hussaini Adamu Federal Polytechnic, Kazaure 705101, Jigawa State, Nigeria
  • Simon Alyegba Shomkegh Department of Social and Environmental Forestry, Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi 970211, Benue State, Nigeria
  • Koko Sunday Daniel Department of Forestry and Natural Environmental Management, University of Uyo, Uyo 520271, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria


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