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Unpredictable Reproductive Behavior of Cedrus deodara (Roxb.) G. Don




The long lived iteroparous conifers produce male and female gametophyte for hundreds of years once they reach the reproductive stage, however, the production of seed is not frequent. This phenomenon of infrequent seed production in conifers is yet to be understood. An attempt to study this change in cone production in Cedrus deodara of Western Himalayas -a species reported to be mainly monoecious and rarely dioecious has been made. The observations recorded on selected trees of flowering/fruiting stage for four years at four different locations have shown the species to be dioecious with higher percentage of female trees during good seed year but with no definite or predictable pattern of reproduction in the trees. A decline in production of female trees was witnessed at all but one location immediately year after reaching the maximum (good seed year). The phenomenon of seed production has been observed to be cyclic and site specific. A change in the sexual behavior of the trees from male to female or vice-versa, male or female turning monoecious or vegetative and vegetative coming to reproductive was unpredictable.


 Materials and Methods
  Site II: Nankhari forest
  Site III: Sarain forest
  For Site IV: Kandyali forest
 Year wise per cent distribution of sexual behavior
  Year and site wise percentage of female trees


  • Rajesh Sharma Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Conifer Campus, Panthaghati, SHIMLA-171013 (HP), India
  • Sunil Waman Bhondge Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Conifer Campus, Panthaghati, SHIMLA-171013 (HP), India


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