

Performance Comparison of Decision Trees of J48 and Reduced-Error Pruning




With the advent of big data, data mining is more increasingly utilized in various decision-making fields by extracting hidden and meaningful information from large amounts of data. Even as exponential increase of the request of unrevealing the hidden meaning behind data, it becomes more and more important to decide to select which data mining algorithm and how to use it. There are several mainly used data mining algorithms in biology and clinics highlighted; Logistic regression, Neural networks, Supportvector machine, and variety of statistical techniques. In this paper it is attempted to compare the classification performance of an exemplary algorithm J48 and REPTree of ML algorithms. It is confirmed that more accurate classification algorithm is provided by the performance comparison results. More accurate prediction is possible with the algorithm for the goal of experiment. Based on this, it is expected to be relatively difficult visually detailed classification and distinction.


  2.1 J48
  2.2 REPTree


  • Hoon Jin Dept. of Computer Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
  • Yong Gyu Jung Department of Medical IT Marketing, Eulji University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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