

Map Reduce-based P2P DBaaS Hub system



The database integration is being emphasized to one way of the companies collaboration. To database integration, companies are use like one database what their own, it can be provided more efficient service to customer. However, there exist some difficulty to database integration. that is the database security and database heterogeneity problems. In this paper, we proposed the MapReduce based p2p DBaaS hub system to solve database heterogeneity problem. The proposed system provides an environment for companies in the P2P cloud to integrate a database of each other. The proposed system uses DBaaS Hub for a collection of data in the P2P cloud, and use MapReduce for integrating the collected data.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
  2.1 P2P Cloud
  2.2 DBaaS Hub System
  2.3 MapReduce
 3. MapReduce-based P2P DBaaS Hub system
 4. Application Example
 5. System comparison
 6. Conclusion


  • Yean-Woo Jung Department of Information System Kwangwoon University Graduate School of Information Contents
  • Jong-Yong Lee Department of Computer Science, Kwangwoon University
  • Kye-Dong Jung Department of Electronic Engineering, Kwangwoon University


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