

일제하 신사참배 논쟁과 기독교 -신사비종교론과 신사종교론을 중심으로-


Shinto Shrine Problems During the Japanese Occupation Period


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to explore the nature of the conflicts surrounding the shinto shrine between Japanese government and Christianity in Korea during the Japanese occupation period. Japanese government demanded all koreans to participate in shinto shrine worship, arguing that shinto shrine worship is not a religious act but a national ceremony. According to Japanese government, such a worship is a civil duty. Korean christians took different attitudes to such a demand. Roman Catholic church, Anglican church, Methodist church accepted Japanese government's interpretation and participated in shinto shrine worship. Presbyterians, a major denomination of protestantism in korea, however, showed different opinions about shinto shrine worship among themselves. Some missionaries assured that shinto is a religion, shinto shrine is a religious site, and shinto shrine worship is a religious act. They also thought that they have a right of religious freedom. They, therefore, demanded Japanese government that protestant mission school students and teachers should be exempted from a duty of shinto shrine worship. Contrary to them, some presbyterian missionaries, including some korean protestant church leaders, agreed to Japanese government's opinion. They,therefore, took part in shinto shrine worship, saying that shinto shrine worship is just a civil and national ceremony, not a religious one. This paper emphasized that debates surrounding the shinto shrine worship is closely related to the problem of definition of religion and a right of religious freedom. Also, it is stressed, this problem has a continuity with ancestor worship controversies in traditional china, and Dankun statues controversies in contemporary korea.


1. 들어가며
 2. 조선총독부의 신사정책
 3. 신사종교론과 신사비종교론의 충돌
  1) 민족주의의 시선
  2) 기독교의 신사종교론
  3) 기독교의 신사비종교론
 4. 나가며


  • 이진구 호남신학대학교 초빙교수, 종교학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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