

일제의 불교정책과 본사 주지의 권한 연구


A Study on Buddist Policies of Japan during the Japanese Occupation and the Authority of the Chief Priests of the Main Temples


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Buddhist policies of Japan during the Japanese occupation were reflected in the contemporary main temple ordinance, the enforcement regulations of the main temple ordinance and temple ordinance, the enforcement regulations of the main temple ordinance and the regulation of temple. All the laws and ordinances were primarily meant to allow the Chosun Government General to get the command of the personnel administration and finance of the Buddhist community and get a tight grip on it. The Chosun Government General selected 30 main temples from among every Buddhist temple in the nation, and had a right to appoint chief priests and permit the disposal of temple properties. The chief priests of the main temples were given the same treatment as high-ranking officials appointed by the Japanese emperor, and they had a great power to the extent that they were called the emperor of Buddhist districts. In Japan, the autonomy of the religious circles was guaranteed, and the Buddhist bodies were allowed to appoint superintendents and chief priests according to their own law. But the government agency was empowered to do that in our country. Priests who wanted to be chief priests of the main temples just tried to flatter government officials and were indiscreet in employing means to be chief priests, and that phenomenon resulted in detracting from their own autonomy and increasing the debts of Buddhist temples. Another reason to increase the debts of temples was the introduction of the married Buddhist priest system, which was done by priests who studied in Japan. The Buddhist community selected excellent people from among young priests and Buddhists and sent them to Japan to let them study. When they returned, most of them were married under the influence of the Japanese Buddhism. They found the Buddhist community to be in harsh circumstances,and there was a standoff between them who tried to reform Buddhism and conservatives. The marriage of Buddhist priests became prevailing, and the number of married priests was on the rise over time. That phenomenon became the cause of disputes in Buddhism after the liberation of the nation. The laws legislated by Japan were a means to ensure the efficiency of colonial rule, and Buddhist reformers including young priests who noticed the intention of Japan made sustained efforts to make the main temple ordinance abolished. In a word, Japan's colonial Buddhist policies ended up ruining the Buddhist community more violently than the Chosun Dynasty's Buddhism-oppression policy that lasted five hundred years.


1. 머리말
 2. 일제의 불교정책과 본사 주지의 선출 방식
 3. 본사 주지의 권한과 전횡
 4. 맺음말


  • 김순석 Kim, Sun-Seok. 한국국학진흥원 유교문화박물관장


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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