

중국 東北3省지역의 농업여건과 薯類作物 생산 현황


Agricultural Condition and Production of Potato Crops in Three Northeastern Provinces of China

중국 동북3성지역의 농업여건과 서유작물 생산 현황

金崇烈, 金正幹

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Approximate situation of potato industry was investigated for three northeastern provinces(Heilongjian, Jilin and Liaoning) in China. Chinese agricultural statistics for potato crops include potato and sweet potato. The acreage and production for only potato appears to cover approximately 60%. According to agricultural statistics of Jilin province, the acreage for only potato is estimated to be 91%(67,000ha) of total potato crops acreage of 74,000ha. In the ratio of only potato acreage compared to total potato one, Heilongjian province is the highest and the lowest result was observed in Liaoning province. The acreage, production and yield of potato have consistent increased since 1990 in China. The acreage of potato increased from 2,829 thousands hectare in 1990 to 5,647 thousands hectare in 2014. Yield per hectare increase from 2,264kg in 1990 to 3,405kg in 2014. In conclusion, total potato production increased rapidly from 6,404 thousands metric tons to 19,227 thousands metric tons. Potato crops acreage and production of three northeastern provinces were 3.7% (328 thousands hectare) and 6.5%(2,171 tons) of acreage and production of China respectively. This result was higher than overall average of China, that is 3.3% for Heilongjian, 1.7% for Jilin and 1.5% for Liaoning. The main cities for production of potato crops in northeastern provinces of China is Qiqihar for Heilongjian, Changchun for Jilin and Tieling for Liaoning.


 1. 머리말
 2. 중국 동북3성의 자연환경과 행정구역
 3. 중국 東北3省의 농업기반과 중국의 薯類作物및 감자 생산현황
 4. 중국 동북 3성의 각 성별 서류작물 생산현황
 5. 요약


  • 金崇烈 김숭열. 사단법인 북방농업연구소 연구위원
  • 金正幹 김정간. 사단법인 북방농업연구소 연구위원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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