

거주와 관광의 양립을 위한문화재마을 공간체계의 조정 원칙과 방법에 관한 연구 - 아산 외암마을 관광객의 관광행태 분석을 중심으로 -


The Principle and Method for the Spatial System Modification of Cultural Property Villages for the Compatibility of Habitation and Tourism - Based on the Analysis of Tourists’ Behavior in Asan Oeam-maeu -

한필원, 홍정아

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The objective of this study is to propose the principle and method of the spatial system modification for the compatibility of habitability and tourism convenience in cultural property villages. Based on the field survey on tourists' routes, activities and their durations in Oeam-maeul, the problems of conflict, between habitability/residents and tourism/tourists, and their causes are analyzed. And the modification principle and method of spatial system is proposed as follows; The basic principle of the spatial system modification is to respect the traditional hierarchy in village roads, between the main road and sub-roads, and the territoriality of settlement space that is typically differentiated as the social, individual, and ceremonial domains, from the front to rear part of settlement. With this principle, it is recommended to restrict the tour route to one that is composed of the main road and the periphery road of housing area, and some connecting sub-roads. based on the surveyed tourists’s routes. And it is suggested that the tourist facilities, whether they are existing houses or newly built buildings, and the tourist programs are necessary for experience tourism to cultural property villages, and they are proposed to be placed along the restricted tour route.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구의 방법
 2. 거주와 관광의 공간체계
  2.1 공간체계의 개념
  2.2 거주를 위한 공간체계
  2.3 관광을 위한 공간체계
 3. 문화재마을 거주와 관광 공간체계의 상충
  3.1 동선의 혼재
  3.2 관광활동을 위한 장소의 주거지 침투
  3.3 신설 관광시설의 부적절한 배치
 4. 거주와 관광의 양립을 위한 공간체계 조정
  4.1 기본 원칙
  4.2 동선 조정 방식
  4.3 체험을 위한 공간·시설·프로그램의 위치 선정 방식
 5. 결론


  • 한필원 Han, Pil-won. 정회원, 한남대학교 건축학과 교수, 공학박사
  • 홍정아 Hong, Jeong-A. 정회원, 한남대학교 건축공학과 석사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
  • 1Frank, Karen A, Schneekloth, Lynda H. et. al, Ordering Space, VNR, 1994
  • 2한필원,『한국 전통마을을 찾아서』, 휴머니스트, 2011
  • 3『아산 외암민속마을 종합정비계획』, 아산시, 2002. 2
  • 4『아산 외암마을 보존관리계획연구 1, 2』, 아산시, 2009. 11

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