

A Structural Analysis of the Factors Influencing Life Satisfaction of Korean Youths



Adolescence is a very important period to think about future directions where one’s aim in life and to establish one’s ego since it is a period of transition to pass through from premature and adrift youth to mature and rigid adult. However, the level of life satisfaction investigated from Korean youths in adolescent period is shown as the lowest among OECD countries. It is very crucial to analyze which factors are important to decide the level of life satisfaction and how these factors influence the level of life satisfaction. In this study, to analyze factors which affect to life satisfaction of youths and their learning attitude - essential school activity prior to life satisfaction in youth period, we firstly focused on relationships with parents, peers, and teachers as factors which affects to learning attitude and life satisfaction. We analyzed structural relationships among factors using structure equation model, and investigated the gender difference in suggested model. We also discussed the analysis results and concluded with further research directions.


 1. Introduction
 2. Literature Review
  2.1. Related Works
  2.2. Learning Attitude
  2.3. Life Satisfaction
 3. Research Model and Hypothesis
  3.1. Research Model
  3.2. Operational Definitions of Research Constructs
  3.3. Research Hypothesis
 4. Empirical Analysis
  4.1. Data Collection
  4.2. Validation of Measurement and Hypothesis


  • Hye-Ryeon Yong Graduate School of Interaction Design, Hallym Univ, Hallym Univ
  • Ha-Na Kang Graduate School of Interaction Design, Hallym Univ, Hallym Univ
  • Hyun-Seok Hwang Division of Business, Hallym Univ, Hallym Univ


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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