

Fuzzy Multi-objective Expected Value Optimization Models for Locating an Automotive Service Enterprise



Automotive service enterprise location is an interesting and important issue in the logistic field. In practice, some factors of its facility location allocation (FLA) problem, i.e., customer demands, allocations, even locations of customers and facilities, are usually changing, and thus FLA problem features with uncertainty. To account for this uncertainty, some researchers have addressed the fuzzy time and cost issues for locating an automotive service enterprise. However, a decision-maker hopes to minimize the transportation time of customers meanwhile minimizing their transportation cost when locating a facility. Also, they prefer to arrive at the destination within the specific time and cost. To handle this issue via a more practical manner, by taking the vehicle inspection station as a typical automotive service enterprise example, this work presents a fuzzy multi-objective expected value optimization approach to address it. Moreover, some region constraints can greatly influence FLA and travel velocity is also an uncertain variable due to the influence of some unpredictable factors in the location process. To do so, this work builds two practical fuzzy multi-objectives programming models of its location with regional constraints, fuzzy inspection demand, and varying velocity. A hybrid algorithm integrating fuzzy simulation, neural networks (NN), and Genetic Algorithms (GA), namely a random weight based multi-objective NN-GA, is proposed to solve the proposed models. A numerical example is given to illustrate the proposed models and the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.


 1. Introduction
 2. Problem Statements
  2.1. Parameters of Establishing Models
  2.2. Assumptions
  2.3. Evaluation Parameters of Establishing Models
 3. Typical Multi-Objective Programming Models of the Location forVehicle Inspection Station
  3.1. Fuzzy Expected Value Multi-Objective Programming Model for a Vehicle Inspection Station Location
 4. Solution Algorithm
  4.1. Fuzzy Simulation
  4.2. Genetic Algorithm (GA)
  4.3. Neural Networks (NN)
  4.4. Hybrid Algorithm
 5. Case Study
 6. Conclusions


  • Qiang Li Transportation College, Jilin University, Changchun 130022, P. R. China
  • Hongfei Jia Transportation College, Jilin University, Changchun 130022, P. R. China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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