

An Analysis of ELT Textbooks : Spoken Grammar Features


Young-Ju Han

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The present study conducts an analysis of ELT textbooks used in the EFL context. The investigation consists of two parts. First, features of spoken grammar of English are identified through a literature review and then the selected ELT textbooks are analyzed using those features to find out which spoken grammar features and how they are integrated in them. Although all the textbooks investigated included spoken grammar features in one way or another, they tended to emphasize particles(oh, well) or phrasal chunks(you know, I mean) over syntactic conversational structures. Another noteworthy finding was that their frequency and range also increase as the level of textbooks increases. The study therefore suggests that those textbooks have not presented spoken grammar features adequately enough with a limited view of them and that there is a concern that some learners who do not continue to take upper level classes where advanced level textbooks are used may not have a chance to encounter them. Finally, the study concludes with some arguments for inclusion of spoken grammar features in ELT textbooks and other teaching materials.


 1. Introduction
 2. Issues with the Spoken Grammar of English
  2.1. What is Spoken Grammar?
  2.2. Debate on Appropriate Models of English
  2.3. Teaching Spoken Grammar and Learners’ Needs
 3. Procedures for the Analysis
  3.1. Spoken Grammar Features of English for the Analysis
  3.2. Selection of the ELT Textbooks
  3.3. Guidelines for the Investigation
  3.4. Research Questions
 4. Data Analyses and Results
  4.1. Research Question 1
  4.2. Research Question 2
 5. Discussion and Conclusions


  • Young-Ju Han 한영주. Youngsan University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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