


世宗代 議政府署事制 실시와 의정부 운영


Implementation of the Euijeongbu Seosa System and Operation of the Euijeongbu under King Sejong

세종대 의정부서사제 실시와 의정부 운영


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In April of the 18th year of the reign of King Sejong, the Yukjo Jikge System was abolished, and the Euijeongbu Seosa System was implemented. As change of a ruling system leads to change of the way of running politics and affects future politics, there is political motives behind it. Around the time when King Sejong considered adopting the Euijeongbu Seosa System, he was facing problems in major policies he had initiated such as the Ya-in(野人) Conquest after taking charge of the full rulership. Those problems could serve as criteria for the test of his leadership. Accordingly, the period was a political turning point when the first half of his politics. He revised the existing ruling system into an Euijeongbu-centered one to share his political responsibility with other government officials, successfully solve burdening problems, and maintain strengthened power. But, the Seosa System did not strengthen the Euijeongbu. While King Sejong put the Euijeongbu at the center of the government, he reduced the number of euijeongs from three to two, and restricted the right of personnel management of them. Though he presented the Chongje System arguing that it was an ideal system, he seems to have implemented the Euijeongbu Seosa System to overcome the difficult situation he faced. By implementing the system, he could relieve the some of the burden of political responsibility, and continue to maintain his power.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 의정부서사제 실시배경의 재고
  1. 의정부서사제 실시 동기
  2. 의정부서사제 실시와 世子 代理庶務 논의
 Ⅲ. 의정부서사제 실시 이후 의정부 운영의 실상
 Ⅳ. 맺음말
 <별표1> [세종대 의정부 인사구성]


  • 유재리 Yu, Jae-Ree. 숙명여자대학교 문학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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