


井邑 山內 龍藏寺 관련 기록의 검토 - 後百濟代 창건을 중심으로 -


A Review of Records on Yongjangsa Temple in Sanne-myeon, Jeongup-si - establishment during the period of Hubaekje dynasty -

정읍 산내 용장사 관련 기록의 검토 - 후백제대 창건을 중심으로 -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Yongjangsa is a Buddhist temple that used to be located in Jeolan Village, Sanne-myeon, Jeongup-si in Jeonlabuldo Province, Korea. The temple was established by a Buddhist priest, Unju Jotong, who formed a close relationship with King Gyeonhwon between late Shilla and early Goryeo dynasty. Unju Jotong went to the southern region of China during the period of late Shilla dynasty, to learn from the Buddhist priest, Dao Ying. After returning from China, it is believed that Unju Jotong developed a close relationship with King Gyeonhwon of Hubaekje dynasty. Around this time, Unju Jotong set out to build Yongjangsa, a temple of Zen Buddhism. This took place between the year 900 and November 927. Presumably, King Gyeonhwon sponsored establishment of the temple, wishing for the prosperity of the royal family. Even after Hubaekje dynasty fell to ruin, Unju Jotong maintained his loyalty for the dynasty. Probably for this reason, he received little respect in Goryeo dynasty, and little records of him remain today. Meanwhile, the records on Yongjangsa temple are found in documents published throughout Goryeo dynasty and into late Joseon dynasty. They include poems written by Go Dongyeom, Kim Geukki, or geography books such as Donggukyeojiseungram and Yeojiji. The temple was burned down during the Japanese invasion in 1592, and then reconstructed in 1630. In 1635, Buddhist priests at the temple worked on publishing Buddhist scripts. Afterwards, the temple perished entirely during the period of Donghak peasant revolution in the late 19th century.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 용장사 창건 기록의 검토
 Ⅲ. 용장사의 부속 암자와 폐사 시기
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 허인욱 Heo, In-Uk. 고려대학교 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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