

중국 청대 여성의 首髮양식


Hair's styles of Women in Period Ch'ing of China

중국 청대 여성의 수발양식

유명자, 조민희

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Culture represents a similar or different culture style through it has been spread from certain area to other and the spread with exchange by another has been assimilated and absorbed into the original culture. In the 18th century, an extravagance was formed following by economic improvement of middle-class group and collapse of a social standing law caused by an economic improvement, an expansion of cities, and a movement of fortune in Chosun Dynasty. This phenomenon made lots of social abuse and the high-big-form phenomenon of a wig (decorative) hair for the ladies on late Chosun Dynasty. At the same time on the Choson Dynasty era, Ch'ing dynasty by extermination of the Han race influence the Bukhak imagism. The Ch'ing dynasty took Confucianism for political ideology because a small number of Manchuria controlled out number of the Han race but the reason of the Han race and Manchuria's propitiation policy, the Han's male had to pigtail which called Chibal (half of shaving off hair) for national pride. Therefore, the Hwa ei imagism which treats like other races and the Chibal policy are great visual effect of assimilation with the other race such as the Han race. Thisstudy consider difference between the racial characteristics and cultural specialty and also social and one's values phenomena. Also this study analyze China and Korea such as viewed independence culture. Our country relation with China in every other way such as cultural, political, positive, and negative effect in same East Asia civilization until now. So according to study,I try to suggest for relationship between China and Korea for study political, cultural, and socialism


 I. 서 론
 II. 修飾의 기원
 III. 수발양식의 변화요인
 IV. 청대 여성관
 V. 청대 수발양식
 VI. 중국 청대 여성 발양분석
 VII. 결 론


  • 유명자 Myoung-ja You. 전주공업대학 미용예술과
  • 조민희 Min-hui Cho. 전주공업대학 미용예술과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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