

정상모와 퍼머 처리모에 있어서 아미노산 비교


A Comparison of Protein Amino Acids in Normal and Perm-Treated Hairs

김혜경, 황인철, 탁효정

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Seventeen amino acids were analyzed using amino acid analyzer to stoichiometrically estimate hair damages in perm-treated hairs. The 28 normal hair samples which have never experiencedperms were randomly collected from beauty salon visitors. Of these simples(about 10 mg each) were treated by perm. Whole hair was hydrolyzed in Teflon-sealed vials containing 10 ml 6 N hydrochloric acid at 120 ˚C for 24 hr. After hydrochloric acid was removed, 10 ul of dilution was injected into amino acid analyzer. The results were as follow:
1. Total amino acid contents(74.6% of whole hair) in d hair group wat mare than one-time-perm-treated group(72.4%)
2. In one-time-perm-treated group, the loss rate of glycine, histidine, and lysine was 16.6%, 16.2%, and 17.0%, respectively
3. Although one presumes that on perm treatment much cystine loss may take place, using amino acids protector LPP most cystine seemed to be conserved. Therefore, it was very difficult to use cystine loss as index in order to quantitatively esteem chemical change of hair.


 I. 서 론
 II. 실험 방법
  1. 실험 재료
  2. 아미노산 분석
 III. 결 과
 IV. 고 찰
 V. 결 론


  • 김혜경 Hye-kyung Kim. 동주대학 미용계열
  • 황인철 In-chul Hwang. 고신대학교 보건환경학부
  • 탁효정 Hyo-choung Tak. 고신대학교 보건환경학부


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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