

The Regulations of Deceptive Labeling and Advertising in S. Korea : Controversial Issues and Alternatives



Deceptive advertising may inflict a loss on consumers in comparison with the other unfair ones. However, it has not been researched much in S. Korea how effectively it is regulated to protect consumers and maintain the order of fair market. It is discussed the controversial issues of the regulation of deceptive labeling or advertising in S. Korea and suggested the alternatives for improving the Fair Labeling or Advertising Act by comparing with the laws of US, Japan and S. Korea. It is concluded that the application of FLAA should be consistent by considering the nonexclusive definitions of four types of unfair labeling or advertising and the more specific analyses of the judgment cases by FTC are needed for the future research.


 1. Introduction
 2. Current Situation
  2.1. Purpose of FLAA
  2.2. Controversial Issues
 3. The Regulation of Deceptive Advertising in the US and Japan
  3.1. Definition of Deceptive Advertising in the US Law
  3.2. Definition of Deceptive Advertising in Japan
 4. Conclusions
  4.1. Implications
  4.2. Suggestions for the Future Research


  • Jae-Yung Cho Department of Advertising and PR, Chungwoon University, S. Korea


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