

두개영역 내 비연결 커트선의 실제


A Fact of Disconnection Cut Line in Scalp Zone


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



It will cut the hair rightly in the face and the shape that it puts out, it will kick and from the straight road of the beauty artist the tube which the beauty artist against the thing authorization which will express the head shape how excels this object and power it grasps it analyzes with the execution which is a work to lead, it makes the form which is the possibility of catling forth an impression in vision. This time the good beauty artist (good president) the head shape which matches and divides the head shape which is refined and the ability which it puts out is demanded. There is to a beauty artist and the work which the beauty art has comes to feel to wondering Rob and most major portion that day the where the head shape of the inspiration which the customer gives at that hour exists the proposition which is clear exists is point. The experience which is calculated in the space inside which is strict cannot try the head shape existed point one awakens the life of the beauty artist at the hour and space inside. The eye of the beauty artist encounter with the thing which is a skull and a hair which lead and time situation it will lead and only it could be manifested the experience the charm work which does to be possible rightly is beauty art. Beauty art it leads and the beauty artist talks what and it does to sleep what oneself and to be grasped against a question the head shape it talks it does. The development figure the international sympathy large formation language is the beauty care for being understood and it is. Of course hair cut became the physical important matter and place one morning which occurs the schedule quantity for the head shape to be possible with the box the hair cut indigenous of the head shape which it follows birth it did.


 I. 서 론
 II. 두개영역 도해 배경
 III. 자연 시술각의 비연결 커트선
 IV. 일반 시술삭의 비연결 커트선
 V. 시술각에 따른 머리모양의 상관성
 VI. 결 론


  • 진태연 Tae-youn Jin. 대구보건대학 뷰티코디네이션과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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