

동ㆍ서양 지도층 여성의 머리모양 분석


The Analysis on Hair Shapes of Leaders in the Eastern and Western World

유명자, 정현

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Let's try to observe what direction the hair style of high-level women goes based on symbolic element of hair style when political and sociological period background was the symbol of an authority. In case of Jacqueline, she applied her high-level culture style through political image to political campaign in order to get into the point of citizen view and also showed the feature of new high-level women to fix new-spirit theory of the Kennedy Administration. In opposition, Mrs. Diana was the role of medium that lady on medium-high-class became to royal lady and the public culture was connected with loyal culture. Her variable style carried out a reform of the royal household which is difficult of access and changed it into fashion leader of that era. In case of Mrs. Yuk Young-su, she was representative of the commons life encountered with economic crisis and also tried to inform our situation to the world. The Style of Mrs. Yuk Young-su shows that high-class culture is same as public culture. They do not have only a common historic feature that they got paid attention of public at their young age but also that they were a party to their husband's political activities. There are more researches have to be studied what effects do and directions go their own historical circumstance, political background, and popularity and superiority of style as a model of these high-class women hair style, fashion, and culture on and to a public culture in the further.


 I. 서 론
 II. 미용문화의 배경
 III. 서양 지도층 여성의 머리모양
 IV. 동양 지도층 여인의 머리모양
 V. 머리모양에서의 동ㆍ서양의 상관성
 VI. 결 론


  • 유명자 Myoung-ja You. 전주공업대학 미용예술과
  • 정현 Hyun Jung. 전주공업대학 미용예술과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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