

머리모양이 갖는 레이어의 다변화 연구


A Study of Diversification of Layer in Hair-do

김마리, 류은주

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In terms of projection with design line applied, the contour in silhouette depends on movement and historical inquiries. For the separation of cranial space into interior and exterior zone, the treatment in form of interior and exterior zone connected with each other across their total length creates a visual weight of design or determines thickness related to massiveness in design width. However, for interior and exterior zone disconnected with each other, mobility increases due to created space. Supposing that the cutting line of hairdo formed by projection can be simulated in the variation of silhouette through graphic illustration along the curve of skull as positioned vertically straight up, horizontally straight back, and horizontally straight out, the structural graphic diagramming of beauty artists becomes not blind visualization of conception, but communication among beauty artists. In this regard, beauty art is a sort of visual communication design and thereby goes through human being, social culture and the expression and approaches of skull as a natural body.


 I. 서 론
 II. 디자인의 이해
  1. 디자인의 미학
  2. 형태 디자인
 III. 레이어 형태
  1. 레이어의 무게감
  2. 커트선의 형태감
 IV. 레이어의 다변화
  1. 연결과 비연결의 비교
  2. 연결의 기본 혼합형
 V. 결 론


  • 김마리 Ma-ri Kim. 대경대학 뷰티디자인학부
  • 류은주 Eun-ju Ryu. 한서대학교 미용학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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