

Green IoT Agriculture and HealthcareApplication (GAHA)



The application of the two trending and popular technologies, Cloud Computing (CC) and the Internet of Things (IoT) are current hot discussions in the field of agriculture and healthcare applications. Motivated by achieving a sustainable world, this paper discusses various technologies and issues regarding green cloud computing and green Internet of Things, further improves the discussion with the reduction in energy consumption of the two techniques (CC and IoT) combination in agriculture and healthcare systems. The history and concept of the hot green information and communications technologies (ICT’s) which are enabling green IoT will be discussed. Green computing introduction first and later focuses on the recent works done regarding the two emerging technologies in both agriculture and healthcare cases. Furthermore, this paper contributes by presenting Green IoT Agriculture and Healthcare Application (GAHA) using sensor-cloud integration model. Finally, lists out the advantages, challenges, and future research directions related to green application design. Our research aims to make green area broad and contribution to sustainable application world.


 1. Introduction 
 2. Related Work and Research Motivation
  2.1 Ubiquitous Computing 
  2.2 Truly Ubiquitous Agriculture and Healthcare Application Requirements
  2.3 Green Computing: 
 3. Frameworks for Green IoT Agrlture and Healthcare Applications (GAHA)
  3.1 GAHA Architecture
  3.2 GAHA Requirements 
  3.3. Applying Green Internet of Things (IoT) to GAHA 
  3.4 GAHA Components  
 4. Conclusion


  • Chandra Sukanya Nandyala School of Information Technology, Catholic University of Daegu, Korea
  • Haeng-Kon Kim School of Information Technology, Catholic University of Daegu, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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