

Demand Bidding and Real-Time Pricing-Based Optimal Operation of Multi-Microgrids



Energy management system (EMS) plays a vital role in operation of microgrids (MGs). EMS has to ensure the system stability, economic operation, and reduction of pollutant emissions. In this paper, an algorithm based on hierarchical centralized EMS has been proposed for day-ahead scheduling of multi-microgrids (MMGs) operation in the grid-connected mode. The proposed hierarchical EMS has two levels of EMSs, which are microgrid EMS (MG-EMS) and community EMS (C-EMS). Due to the utilization of hierarchical centralized EMS, privacy of each MG will be preserved. In order to reduce the load demand in peak hours and reshape the load profile, demand response (DR) programs such as real-time pricing (RTP) and demand bidding programs have been integrated in the optimization strategy. The mathematical model of the proposed algorithm is based on a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) and has been implemented through Java/CPLEX.


 1. Introduction
 2. System Model
  2.1. Multi-Microgrids Architecture
  2.2. Proposed Method for Multi-Microgrids Operation
 3. Problem Formulation
  3.1. Nomenclature
  3.2. Mathematical Model
 4. Numerical Results
  4.1. Optimized Results of Step 1: Local Optimization
  4.2. Optimized Results of Step 2: Global Optimization
  4.3. Optimized Results of Step 3: Rescheduling
 5. Conclusion


  • Van-Hai Bui Incheon Nat’l University, Korea
  • Akhtar Hussain Incheon Nat’l University, Korea
  • Hak-Man Kim Incheon Nat’l University, Korea, Research Institute for Northeast Asian Super Grid, Incheon Nat’l University, Korea.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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