

두개피 내 모발 발생의 생리학적 연구


A Physiologic Study of Hair Development in Scalp

류은주, 오강수

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Follicular internal layer becomes protected hair follicle layers by outer root sheath, dermal root sheath. Hair follicle layers are combined organization root in protecting layers as perifolicular. Hair papilla derived from mesenchyrnal corresponds to dermal papilla of epidermis and hair follicle is connected to outer layer. Main cellular components of hair follicle are outer layer, germinal matrix cell, inner root sheath, mesenchymal, hair papilla , and dermal root sheath cell, which take part in supporting growth and control of hair. Especially, interaction between epidermal and mesenchymal tissue cell is important in control of hair growth. In ectorderm of embryo three weeks after conception, while hair germ or primary epithelial germ form hair peg toward derma with appearance of primordial epidermis, dermal papilla is formed by fibroblast of mesenchymal, organization through interaction between outer layer and dermal. At the same time, bulbous peg stage possess a form of hair follicle as germinal matrix cell and hair papilla develop. While hair follicle , sebum-forming sebum gland and hair-erecting arrecter pili muscle from hair follicle are attached, the form of hair follicle is perfectly set up. Interaction in hair follicle form molecular level is evolution and growth in shape. For example, growth of specific organ or part of body, and morphogenesis and development during individual growth process are mainly emerged Morphogenesis is a growing divergence process as cells are gradually diverse. Therefore, reversely, the original cell has a potential ability to be diverged into various cells. This is known as pluripotentiality, not peculiar for embryo period. For instance, while blood cells are produced through whole life, various blood cells are diverged from common forefather cell. Because forefather cell produce pluripotentiality cells like itself as well as differentiated cells, the original character does not disappear. Likewise, the cell that has pluipotentiality and reproduction ability is called stem cell. Stem cells exist in any organization that vigorously reproduce not only blood cells but also alimentary canal 상피 and skin after birth. When these features are important as the target of genetic cure, hair physiology field in scalp hair shows variety and flexibility in beauty study.


 I. 서 론
 II. 생리학의 이론적 개념
  1. 생리학의 개념
  2. 세포의 생리 현상
 III. 두개피와 그 주변의 생리
  1. 외피 생리 구조
  2. 두개피의 생리 구조
  3. 두개피의 부속 구조
 IV. 모발 발생 영역의 생리
  1. 발생학적 영역
  2. 모발형태 발생주기
 V. 두개 피부와 모발의 생리적 상관성
 VI. 결론


  • 류은주 Eun-ju Ryu. 한서대학교 미용학과
  • 오강수 Gang-su Oh. 전주공업대학 미용예술과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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