

구조 그래픽을 위한 미용 일러스트레이션


Beauty Illustration for the Sculpture Graphic


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A drawing is the symbol that integrates the invisible part, beauty shaping process and the visible part completed through hair do into one, and such a symbolical activity with symbolic system is the illustration. As beauty is a complex total art requiring time and visual elements, it has spatial and organic interrelation with the costume shaping which takes human body as the object. Thus, hair beauty design has common expression of form, color, and texture of hair as one part of modelling that has a function in living as in the design of costume. Technique is to do, that is, to express all of the customer into a style. Designer is who draws up a drawing, and hair dresser is who expresses what he/she feels from his/her emotion to his/her thought and life. To represent a hair design with one's own technique is to completely make it one's own thing by adding creativity, a virtue of all hair dressers. As hair dressing is being changed in the change and the trend of fashion from 'Art wear'. What allows the inherent beautify of hair to have more natural complex is abstract structure graphics planned in the invisible part. As hairdressing art in which one's addition and new thought are implied with confidence into various own feeling and behaviors can have a possibility only when 'like' is predicted and presented, in the 'beautilogy' expecting boundless effect, the 'academic' ground of 'beautiology' which expects boundless effect is paved when its artistic technique is naturally expressed as visual language.


 I. 서 론
 II. 구조 그래픽(Structure Graphic)
 III. Visible을 위한 구조 그래픽
 IV. Invisible의 실제
  1. Consumer style의 실제
  2. Hair by night의 실제
  3. 업 스타일(Up-style)의 실제
  4. Hair Fashion blow dry styling의 실제
  5. Permanent hair wave의 실제
 V. 결 론


  • 박용 Yong, Park. 극동정보대학 뷰티코디네이션과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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