

아로마테라피를 이용한 두피 및 모발 관리


Scalp and Hair care by using the Aromatherapy


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Scalp and k are stimulated by inner and external factors. The external factors are related to pollutional materials and heavy metal pollutants while inner factors are related to diseases and stress. Thus, this paper examined the types of scalp and the causes of hair damage occurred from stress. To solve the fundamental causes occurred from them, this paper studied head control method using aromatherapy, which is a natural therapy. This paper intended to comprehend the structures and characteristics of scalp and hair through the morphological properties of head and to apply the head control method to them by analyzing the causes of hair damage. In the study, the morphological properties, structure, effective components and efficacy of essential oils were examined after the concept of aromatherapy had been figured out, through which kinds of aroma applied to head control were identified. As a result, head massage using essential oil, which was useful for head control, promoted the circulation of blood and lymph and it produced the relaxation effect in the scalp showing the phenomenon of depilation, in hair damage and in problematic scalp conditions occurred from various factors in addition to stress. Questionnaire research was executed to figure out the individual preference for aroma and aroma utilization in the field of hair. According to the results of research, 34.5% of consumers using aroma used lavender oil, 16.9% tea tree, 10.1% peppermint and rosemary, respectively and the others used essential oils in order of lemon, ylang-ylang, camomile, clary sage oil for their scalp. In general, 80.2% of the consumers recognized that aromatherapy had an effect and 4.6% of them recognized that it didn't have an effect in using aromatherapy.


 I. 서 론
 II. 頭部의 형태학적 속성
 III. 아로마테라피의 이론
  1. 아로마테라피의 배경
  2. 정유의 화학적 특징
 IV. 頭皮에서의 아로마테라피
  1. 두피관리의 필요성
  2. 두피 유형에 따른 관리
  3. 두피에서 정유의 작용
 V. 頭部와 精油의 효용성
  1. 연구방법 및 연구결과
  2. 정유 소비자의 성향
  3. 아로마요법의 문제 및 해석
 VI. 결 론


  • 이순희 Soon-hee, Lee. 대전보건대학 피부미용과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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