

이즘에서의 메이크업 사회학 연구


The study of make-up sociology through a trend of thought

정경숙, 이명희

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Owing to deformalism of postmodernism, a limitation disappeared in selecting the materials and subjects of makeup. Collage makeup, which mixed heterogeneous factors, and antiformal and graphic makeup, which deviated from classic form of makeup, appeared. Punk makeup, which showed a characteristic of deconstructionism and which was a way of revealing counter culture, was far away from traditional beauty and made us reconsider esthetic values of makeup. The modem makeup accepted the camp sensibility which liked kitsch, hyperbolic and artificial things. The beauty standard to affect the makeup is a beauty consciousness established on a mental basis which reflects the contemporary philosophical, social and cultural environment, and value system. Its values are established according to social changes with the contemporary absolute value and human desire of pursuing new things. The modern makeup is a visual symbol which represents modem people's subjective essence and value in a highly developed and complicated structure of society and it is used as a symbolic language. Thus, makeup artists should develope makeup by strengthening and maintaining the tense relationship occurred between social responsibility, aesthetics and artistic duty.


 I. 서 론
 II. 메이크업이 갖는 포스트모던의 상관성
 III. 메이크업의 개요
  1. 1900~1950년대 메이크업
  2. 1960~현재
 IV. 포스트모던 메이크업의 실제
 V. 결 론


  • 정경숙 Kyung-sook, Jung. 삼육간호대학 피부미용과
  • 이명희 Myung-hee, Lee. 전주공업대학 미용예술과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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