

Process Backtracking and Reconstruction based on Task Chain Model



Fundamental information of the design unit is described using the correlation between the nodes in the task chain. Data transfer between design units is formulated as fundamental data transfer, design rule transfer and path scheme transfer, respectively. The design process is stored with the node as the unit by using the algorithm for decomposing correlated nodes. The reconstruction method is employed to eliminate the redundant nodes that exist in various previous design processes, alleviating the degree of coupling. The performance of the proposed scheme is verified by applying it to the development of the low-voltage appliance.


 1. Introduction
 2. Node Definition and Representation
 3. Correlation Constraints between Nodes in the Task Chain
  3.1. Representation of Nodes in the Task Chain
  3.2. Description of Correlation between Nodes in the Task Chain
 4. Backtracking and Reconstruction of Nodes in the Task Chain
 5. Case Study
 6. Conclusions


  • Jing Chen School of Computer Science and Technology, Hangzhou Dianzi University Key Laboratory of Complex Systems Modeling and Simulation, Ministry of Education, China, Yangtze Delta Region Applied Mathematics Institute of Zhejiang
  • Dewen Seng School of Computer Science and Technology, Hangzhou Dianzi University Key Laboratory of Complex Systems Modeling and Simulation, Ministry of Education, China
  • Xujian Fang vSchool of Computer Science and Technology, Hangzhou Dianzi University Key Laboratory of Complex Systems Modeling and Simulation, Ministry of Education, China


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