

The Intelligent Task Scheduling Algorithm in Cloud Computing with Multistage Optimization



There’re huge numbers of users and various tasks need to be handled in the cloud computing environment, the high effective task scheduling algorithm is one of the crucial problems that the cloud computing need to solve. Aiming to the model structure of cloud computing, in this article it introduces the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm (PSO) and Ant Colony Optimization algorithm (ACO) to combine with optimized task scheduling algorithm. First it takes the particle swarm optimization algorithm to generate the initial scheduling results, and introduces the random inertia weight to improve the scheduling ability of the algorithm, then to take the generated results of improved particle swarm optimization algorithm as the initial pheromones of the ant colony algorithm to find out the optimal scheduling scheme, and use the elitist strategy and crossover operator in the genetic algorithm to improve the ant colony algorithm, among the algorithms to use multistage optimization algorithm to improve the operating efficiency. The experimental results show that under the same conditions, the total task completion time of improved algorithm has been reduced and its performance advantage are getting more obvious with the increased task measures.


 1. Introduction
 2. The Brief Introduction of Cloud Computing Task Scheduling
 3. The Design for Improved Scheduling Algorithm
  3.1. The Design for Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
  3.2. The Improved Ant Colony Algorithm
  3.3. The Procedure of Combining Optimization to Improve Algorithm
 4. The Experimental Results and Conclusion Analysis
 5. Closing Remarks


  • XiaoLi He School of Computer Science, Sichuan University of Science and Engineering, Zigong Sichuan 643000, China
  • Yu Song Department of Network Information Management Center, Sichuan University of Science and Engineering, Zigong Sichuan 643000, China
  • Ralf Volker Binsack Winterstein 14, Niddatal, 61194, Germany


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