

18세기 Hair Fashion을 위한 Headdress와 Make-up


Headdress and Make-up for Hair Fashion of the 18th Century

오무선, 안유리

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The 18th century, when hair styles escaped from simple concept in the earlier times, "adequate harmony and proportion" and changed into creative and technical hair designs, is a historical turning point in hair fashion. Curls and various color of rocaille motif popular at that times was oriented from art, and right-left unbalanced circular patterns used in indoor decoration were projected to every thing of living. These plastic art was melt into hair style to decorates human body, and made the body an artistic piece by making up one's appearance to the most in the portrait. Pastel colors of wall paper and the delicacy of rocaille motif went to the extreme, and Rococo fitted in with hair design. Complicatedness, and head-dress components such as powder color and decoration were replaced into luxuriousness. Delicacy created an enormous hair style. Appearance decoration such as ribbon, flower, pad made of feathers, horse's hair and flax yam, kinds of partly postiche in the hair, pomade, and even frame showed up. In this way, head-dress was used for hair design, not independent things of hair style. Appearance of professional han dressers due to luxurious and technical hair styles in the 18th century elevated the position of hair style to hair fashion. They created head dress and established a foothold for modem beauty by, for example, publishing a variety of magazines and books which presented mixed hair style using ornament, caps, and hats, not hair only. Hair style in Rococo times which is the barometer of trend history, was settled as the han fashion created by cultural factors such as knowledge, religion, art, ethics, laws, and custom. However, the changes in social structure and living patterns as women at home advanced into labor market in 1960s requested a change even in the structure of human body. Thereupon, Vidal Sassoon presented functional and standardized hair style of current times which is labor-intensive style. It was hair cut, which gave liberation from daily life.


 I. 서 론
 II. 로코코 시대의 배경
  1. Hair Fashion의 조류
  2. 미용문화와 예술양식
 III. Hairdo
 IV. Headdress and Make-up
 V. 결 론


  • 오무선 Moo-sun, Oh. 계명문화대학 뷰티코디네이션과
  • 안유리 You-ri, Ahn. 계명문화대학 뷰티코디네이션과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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