

Cloud Gathering Model of Manufacturing Resources Based on P2P



Under the environment of cloud manufacturing, in view of the self-organization of manufacturing resources based on the ideas of the hybrid P2P and Chord agreement, three layer network models of manufacturing resources have been constructed. According to the structure of geographical area, the bottom centralized resources ring was built in each area; logic ring was structured by the gathering nodes, namely regional resources managers; logic main ring was formed by super nodes. And logic rings are DHT overlay, which are two layers of network. This paper expounds the dynamic organization way for manufacturing resources of two layers of DHT and the layered trust mechanism of the gathering network. In the end, the prototype instance of the resources cloud was presented.


 1. Introduction
 2. Convergence Framework of Manufacturing Resources based on Hybrid P2P Network
  2.1. The Basic Concept Model
  2.2. Convergence Structure of Manufacturing Resources
 3. Dynamic Organization of DHT Network of Manufacturing Resources
  3.1. Node Access
  3.2. Node Exit and Failure
 4. Trust Mechanism of Network
 5. Prototype Instance
 6. Conclusions


  • Yunxia Jiang School of Automation, Harbin Science and Technology University, Harbin, China
  • Bowen Zhao School of Automation, Harbin Science and Technology University, Harbin, China
  • Dongnan Sun School of Automation, Harbin Science and Technology University, Harbin, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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