

Research in the Cloud Calculation Database Based on Improved Ant Colony Algorithm




In cloud computing environments, the database is dynamic and real-time features, and in data access it has been a Gordian knot of cloud computing research; because in the ant colony algorithm that ants finding food shares similar correlation with cloud computing node finding the access to the database. Therefore, the introduction of ant colony algorithm into cloud computing database, the introduction of the chaos function in the pheromone update, both will make the improved pheromone avoid the possibility of getting into local convergence, and hence improve the efficiency of database access in the cloud computing, reduce the load in the cloud computing. The simulation results show that the algorithm in this paper has been significantly improved in terms of cloud computing network queries and database consumption, and greatly improved the efficiency of cloud computing.


 1. Introduction
 2. Relevant Knowledge
  2.1 Introduction for Cloud Database
  2.2 Ant Colony Algorithm
 3. Applications of Algorithm of this Paper in the Cloud Computing Database
  3.1 State Transition
  3.2 Updating Rule of Traditional Pheromone
  3.3 Improved Pheromones Rule
  3.4 Algorithm Description
 4. Algorithm Implement
 5. Experiment and Analysis
 6. Conclusion


  • Xuan Chen Zhejiang Industry Polytechnic College Shaxing Zhejiang, China
  • Jun Chen Zhejiang Industry Polytechnic College Shaxing Zhejiang, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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