

A Review on Network Intrusion Detection System Using Open Source Snort



In the present scenario most of the organization depends on the internet for their communication, storage and protection of their valuable data and other internal resources from the unauthorized access as the importance of internet is increasing rapidly the chances of attacks also increases in the ratio. Intrusion Detection System plays a very important role in network security. Its main role in the network is to help computer system to create and deal with network attacks. An IDS acts as a key component to ensuring the safety of any network or system on which it runs. IDS works on the concept of investigating all the incoming packets for the detection of any malicious activity. This is a survey paper on the various enhancements over the decades on IDS. Snort is a lightweight and open source software which used signature based IDS. In the survey, we used BASE for providing graphical interface for displaying the result. Its used world widely in Intrusion Detection and Prevention.


 1. Introduction
 2. Components of Intrusion Detection System
  2.1 Data Preprocessor
  2.2 Analyzer (Intrusion Detector)
  2.3 System Profile (DataBase/ Knowledge Base)
  2.4 Response Engine
 3. Classification of Intrusion Detection System
 4. Tools For IDS Implementation
  4.1 Snort
  4.2 BASE[10]
  4.3 MySQL
 5. Conclusion


  • Sakshi Sharma Department of CSE& IT MITS Gwalior, India
  • Manish Dixit Department of CSE& IT MITS Gwalior, India


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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