피인용수 : 0건 (자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)
This paper presents the comparison between two topologies of hybrid direct current circuit breaker (HDCCB) that are designed by ABB and Alstom Grid. The main difference between two topologies is the use of the semiconductor in each topology. ABB used IGBT cells whereas Alstom Grid used IGBT cells and thyristors. The working principles of each topology are presented and their advantages and disadvantages are shown in this study. Two HDCCB topologies are implemented in MATLAB / Simulink to clarify the comparison. The effect of the time delay in the topology of Alstom Grid is also discussed in this study.
1. Introduction
2. Operation Principle of the Hybrid DC Circuit-Breakers
2.1. The ABB’s Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker
2.2. Alstom Grid’s Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker
3. Simulation Results
4. Comparison between HDCCB Topologies of ABB and Alstom Grid
5. Conclusions
1. Introduction
2. Operation Principle of the Hybrid DC Circuit-Breakers
2.1. The ABB’s Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker
2.2. Alstom Grid’s Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker
3. Simulation Results
4. Comparison between HDCCB Topologies of ABB and Alstom Grid
5. Conclusions