

신라승려의 입당 교류활동과 그 의의 - 당의 불교발전에 대한 공헌을 중심으로 -


The Research on Xinluo Monk to Tang Activities and Its Significance : Centered on the Contributions to the Development of Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Sui and Tang Dynasties were the best age for Chinese Buddhism. As many denominations and Buddhist temples were built, more and more monks & nuns gathered. Xinluo sent a lot of monks to China to learn because they were eager to learn the advanced Buddhism in Tang. They visited many Scholars and back to Xinluo with The Buddhist classics and cultural relics. They also built schools and began to teach others. So it established A Buddhist sect with its own characteristics. All these made an indelible contribution to the development of Buddhism in Xinluo. At the same time, we can’t ignore the contribution of Buddhist monks in Xinluo to China, either. Many of them participated in translation work very actively; they contribute to the translation. Some of them even live in Tang for the rest of their lives, they understood Buddhist very deeply and left a great deal of writings, built new sect Buddhist and became leaders in their own sects. Some monks ever turn to Buddha and admire by others. That enriched China's Buddhist system. Their activities have influences on both the history of the development of Buddhism between two countries and the history of the communication between two countries.


 1. 머리말
 2. 신라승려의 入唐求法 활동
  2.1 입당구법 한 신라승려의 수
  2.2 신라승려의 당에서의 주요 활동
 3. 신라승려의 입당구법활동 의의
  3.1신라의 入學僧과 당대의 불경번역 사업
  3.2 신라승려의 중국불교 체제에 대한 기여
  3.3 無相과 唐 禪宗의 민간에서의 발전
  3.4 金喬覺과 九華山
 4. 맺음말


  • 동파 Tong, Bo. 연변대학교 역사학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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