

The Effect of Empowering Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Chinese Employees: Moderating Role of Affective Commitment, Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment


Wang, Zhi-Cheng, Fu, Bin, Han, In-Soo

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of the study was to empirically investigate the impacts of empowering leadership on organizational citizenship behavior and the mediating role of psychological empowerment in the relationship between empowering leadership and organizational behavior in Chinese employees. Moreover, this study demonstrates the moderating role of affective commitment between psychological empowerment and organizational citizenship behavior. The results show that: first, empowering leadership was found to have a significant relationship with organizational citizenship behavior; second, there is a positive relationship between empowering leadership and psychological empowerment. Third, as predicted, psychological empowerment was positively related to OCB, Fourth, the mediating role of psychological empowerment was identified in the relationship between empowering leadership and organizational behavior. The moderating role of affective commitment between psychological empowerment and organizational citizenship behavior is significant. Finally some practical recommendations to develop the leadership competencies for Chinese managers were suggested.


 1. 前言
 2. 理论背景
  2.1 领导授权与心理授权感知的关系研究
  2.2 心理授权感知与组织公民行为的关系研究
  2.3 心理授权感知与感情承诺,组织公民行为的关系研究
 3. 研究方法
  3.1 选定样本
  3.2 数的测定
 4. 数据分析与结果
  4.1 效度的测定与描述性统计
  4.2 模型的拟合度和假设的检验
  4.3 心理授权感知的中介效果的检验
  4.4 感情承诺的调节效果的检验
 5. 结论
  5.1 研究结果
  5.2 研究的启示和不足


  • Wang, Zhi-Cheng Dept. of Business Administration, Zhao Qing University, China
  • Fu, Bin Dept. of Business Administration, Chungnam National University, Korea
  • Han, In-Soo Dept. of Business Administration, Chungnam National University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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