

Left Branch Extraction in Multiple Fragments and Its Implications for Island Violations in Korean


Bum-Sik Park, Sei-Rang Oh

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Park, Bum-Sik & Oh, Sei-Rang. 2015. Left Branch Extraction in Multiple Fragments and Its Implications for Island Violations in Korean. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 41-1, 1-18. In this paper, we investigate the restricted distribution of fragments that undergo Left Branch Extraction (LBE). As observed by Park and Kim (2015a), in multiple fragments only the final fragment can be LBEed. We argue that the restricted distribution is observed because LBE induces a PF-effect on the intervening element between the LBEed fragment and the Left Branch Island. In multiple fragments, the non-final LBEed fragment always involves the configuration where the final fragment counts as a surviving intervenor after ellipsis takes place in PF. By contrast, appearing in the final position, the final fragment can be LBEed with the potential intervenors eliminated under ellipsis, giving rise to a repair effect. The analysis partially supports Fox and Lasnik (2003), but not Merchant (2008) or Chomsky (1972), in the sense that certain illegitimate movement has a PF effect on the intervening element. Examining interactions between LBE and relative clause island, we also provide an account for a certain asymmetry regarding the island-(in)sensitivity. (Dongguk University & Gyeongsang National University)


 1. Introduction
 2. LBE in Multiple Fragment Answers
 3. Against Potential Analyses
  3.1. Merchant (2008)
  3.2. Cleft Analysis
  3.3. N'-ellipsis Analysis
  3.4. Direct Interpretation Approach
 4. Analysis
 5. LBE and Island-(in)sensitivity
 6. Conclusion


  • Bum-Sik Park Dongguk University
  • Sei-Rang Oh Gyeongsang National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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