Changes in receive method of the new knowledge in Ancient Japan - Focused on Organization of Daigakuryo -
고대 일본의 신지식 전수 방식의 변화와 특징 ― 대학료의 성립 과정을 중심으로 ―
This study reviewed how studies and technologies had been accommodated and transferred before Daigakuryo(大學寮), Onmyoryo(陰陽寮), and internallyakuryo (內藥寮) and externalyakuryo(外藥寮) had been established analyzing materials regarding the relations between hakase(博士) and students(諸學生) specified in the NihonShoki(日本書紀). The followings are the summary of the study results. First, until Emperor Keitai(繼體) and Emperor Kinmei(欽明) in the first half of the sixth century, they accommodated studies and technologies through hakases in Baekje(百濟) who stayed in Japan for some time alternately. In this period, indigenous studies or knowledge formation are not identified. Second, when alternate stay of hakases in Baekje ended, Japan dispatched monk students to the Korean Peninsula and China. It can be evaluated that Japan started to make efforts to accommodate studies and technologies actively. Third, Japan dispatched students to Emperor Suiko(推古) and Tang(唐) from Baekje and the NihonShoki called them student studying abroad When those students who had studied in foreign countries came back to Japan, they opened private school and taught students. With such schools, Japan started to escape from the external system dependent structure to accommodate new knowledge. Fourth, when restoration movement of Baekje failed, many drifting people from Baekje entered Japan. They appointed Baekje people equipped with various studies and knowledge as hakase and established Daigakuryo in Tenjicho(天智朝), Onmyoryo and internallyakuryo and externalyakuryo in Tenmucho(天武朝). Consequently, the structure to reproduce knowledge and studies in Japan have been firmly established.
Ⅱ. 大學寮성립 이전의 學生과 博士
Ⅲ. 대학료 성립 이전의 신지식 전수
Ⅳ. 대학료와 陰陽寮, 内外藥寮의 성립
Ⅴ. 맺음말