

Research of Optimal Investment Size for Distribution Network Based on Improved Sequential Quadratic Programming Method



Installing distributed generators can effectively reduce network power consumption and improve power quality in the distribution network, but it will also bring some technical problems. Therefore, we need to study how to efficiently and quickly determine the optimal investment capacity of distributed generators in the distribution network. In this paper, we set the minimization of the power loss as the objective and establish the most investment scale decision-making model of distributed generation access to power distribution system. In terms of optimization algorithm, optimization time of traditional sequential quadratic programming will dramatically increase with the increasing number of variables and restraints. In order to pursue higher efficiency optimization, we apply the improved sequential quadratic programming that is fast sequential quadratic programming method for solving nonlinear problems of distributed generators optimal investment size. We apply the constructed model to systems with different nodes, and the results show that the proposed new optimization method is not only scientific and effective, and can significantly improve decision-making efficiency.


 1. Introduction
 2. Model Building
  2.1. Objective Function
  2.2. Constraint Condition
 3. Optimization Program
 4. Calculating-examples Analysis
  4.1. Calculating-examples Environment
  4.2. Results Analysis
 5. Conclusions


  • Zeng Ming Research Advisory Center of Energy and Electricity Economics, North China
  • Wang Shicheng Electric Power University, Changping District, Beijing 102206, China


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