

Secure Mobile Cloud Computing for Sensitive Data : Teacher Services for Palestinian Higher Education Institutions



Many Palestinian higher education institutions had a successful experience in utilizing Electronic Services and Electronic learning, such as all the academic services for student and lecturer, schedule lectures, exams schedule, viewing the academic information, grades report, printing transcript, registering courses, library services, Email services, News and Announcements, but these services are supported by web based applications or desktop application which restrict the access of the users using computers or laptops, But there is a lack in supporting these services with mobile. Especially when dealing with sensitive data as inserting grades for courses. So in this paper we present a system called Secure Mobile Cloud Computing for Sensitive Data: Teacher Services for Palestinian Higher Education Institutions (MCCTSs) which is a mobile application to facilities access using RSA algorithm to encrypt the data which sent and received through Cloud computing application. MCCTSs serve the lecturers of Palestinian higher education institutions. Agile methodology was adapted to develop MCCTSs application. MCCTSs users successfully insert the grades securely and encrypted any time anywhere using RSA algorithm. It is hoped that the result of this study will encourage the universities to engage MCCTSs in their services. From the results we obtained, it is proved that RSA provides protection for the data, which is stored in Cloud. Only authorized user can read the encrypted data and decrypt it. Even if anyone happens to read the data accidentally, the original meaning of the data will not be understood.


 1. Introduction
 2. Technical Fundamental
  2.1 Cloud Computing
  2.2 Benefits of Cloud Computing
  2.3 Data Security Issues in Cloud Computing
  2.4 Security Disadvantages in Cloud Environment
  2.5 RSA Algorithm
 3. Related Work
 4. Secure Mobile Cloud Computing for Sensitive Data : Teacher Services for Palestinian Higher Education Institutions
  4.1 The Mechanism of MCCTSs:
  4.2 The Analysis of Security
 5. Conclusion


  • Mahmoud M. Abu Ghosh Faculty of Information Technology, University of Palestine, Gaza, Palestine
  • Rasha R. Atallah Faculty of Information Technology, University of Palestine, Gaza, Palestine
  • Samy S. Abu Naser Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology, Al-Azhar University, Gaza, Palestine


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