

The Patterns of Vowels in Monosyllabic Words of Uyghur Language



In this paper, on the basis of traditional phonetics, by using the methods of experimental phonetics and voice pattern theory, Analyzed and summarized the vowel pattern of the monosyllables in Uyghur language. The statistical analysis is carried upon the vowel formant frequency values in monosyllables, and discussed by using Joos method in more details. For the first time, with the actual experimental data proves the accordance of tongue location features of Uyghur vowel with the traditional knowledge from hearsay. The research results of this paper will have a high reference value for the study and application development of both Uyghur language and the other languages are belongs Altaic language family.


 1. Introduction
 2. Experimental Methods
  2.1. Source of Corpus
  2.2. Recordings and Data Acquisition
  2.3. Experimental Methods
 3. Statistics and Analysis on the Data
  3.1 Statistics on the Vowel’s Formant Values
  3.2. Acoustical Distribution of the Vowels and Discussions
  3.3. Vowel Formant Pattern
 4. Conclusions


  • Seyyare Imam School of Politics and Public Administration, Xinjiang University, China
  • Aynur Nurtay Institute of Information Science and Engineering, Xinjiang University, China
  • Akbar Pattar Institute of Information Science and Engineering, Xinjiang University, China
  • Askar Hamdulla Schools of Software, Xinjiang University, Urumqi, China


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