

Exploring Price Level and Pricing Adjustment Mode in China's Online Retail Market: the Cases of JD Mall, Amazon and DangDang



Price wars are a major form of competition for Chinese online retailers. Based on empirical data from online retailers, JD Mall, Amazon(Z.cn) and Dangdang, this study explored the price competition in China's B2C e-commerce market. The average price level, the minimum price level, the price differential level and price variation were considered. The results showed that the average price levels between the three e-commerce websites had statistically significant differences. However, the minimum price level and the price differential level were similar. In terms of the price variation, the three websites adopted different price adjustments and did their best to avoid a direct price war. This suggests that the e-commerce market competition in China is becoming rational.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Work
 3. Empirical Research
  3.1 Data Collection and Processing
  3.2 Average Price Level Analysis
  3.3 Minimum Price Level Analysis
  3.4 Price Differential Level Analysis
  3.5 Price Variation Analysis
 4. Conclusions


  • Wei Zhang Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, 100081, China
  • Yan-Chun Zhu Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, China
  • Li-Hua Wu Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing, 100010, China


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