With expansion in the innovation, the requests of the individuals are expanding as individuals are more intrigued by the web offices with higher information rate. Despite the fact that 3G advances convey essentially higher bit rates than 2G innovations, "LTE" (3GPP Long Term Evolution) got a blast in the field of advancements with new offices like Internet applications or versatile broadband ( Voice over IP (VoIP), feature spilling, music downloading, portable TV and numerous others material) all around. It is very much necessary to extract the useful information of the user using LTE technology to understand he performance and durability of this new technology. In this paper we present a novel architecture for mining the data for extracting useful information regarding the success rates of various handoff procedures in LTE technology.
1. Introduction
2. Overview of Handoof Procedure in Lte
3. Experimental Setup of Data Mining on Handoff Procedure in Lte
4. Conclusion