

An Improved Security Mechanism for Protecting Data in Mobile Cloud Environment



Cloud computing is a popular technology that provides services to the users on demand and on pay-per-usage fee that is they only pay for the data utilized when required. With the vast growth in the use of mobile phone applications, the users are relying on their phones for their personal as well as professional work and suffering from many problems (storage, processing, security etc). To overcome these limitations and growth in the use of cloud applications, a new development area has emerged recently called as Mobile cloud computing. Mobile cloud computing is an integration of three technologies cloud computing, mobile computing and internet, enabling the users to access the services at any time and from any place. Mobile phones are sensitive devices and the personal data is not secured when user stores data on cloud and can be easily attacked by unauthorized person. This paper presents a high level authentication and encryption model through a mobile application that encrypts the data before moving it to the cloud that ensures the security and the strong user authentication.


 1. Introduction
 2. Cloud Computing Service models
 3. Mobile Cloud Computing
 4. Proposed Work
 5. Results
 6. Conclusion and Future Scope


  • Mankiran Kaur Research Scholar, CSE, CGC College of Engineering, Landran (Mohali), Chandigarh, India
  • Manish Mahajan Head of Department, CSE, CGC College of Engineering, Landran (Mohali), Chandigarh, India


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