

Evaluating the Collaborative Innovation of Tourism Management Specialty’s Three Dimensional Teaching Mode based on Online Learning



With the continuous development of tourism education, practical teaching has become more and more important to the cultivation of tourism management professionals. At the same time, online learning becomes an important way of training tourism management professional talents and teaching method. This research focuses on the investigation of the tourism management, and tries to find out the optimal practice teaching system. Through online survey, the results prove that the practice teaching is particularly important for tourism management. Also, online classes can provide more ways of learning and vision, especially for tourism majors. Therefore, it is important to carry out network teaching, online education can improve the quality of undergraduate education; and plays an important role for constructing three dimensional modes.


 2. Literature Review
  2.1. Tourism Education
  2.2. Network Learning
 3. Model Design
 4. Empirical Analysis
  4.1. Data Statistics
  4.2. Satisfaction Analysis
  4.3. Reliability Test
 5. Conclusion
  5.1. Strengthen the Education Innovation in Tourism Management
  5.2. Provide Rich Practical Teaching Activities
  5.3. Tourism Management Professional Personnel Training
  5.4. Build Stereoscopic Practice Teaching System


  • Hui SONG School of Management Engineering, Suzhou University,Suzhou city, Anhui province, 234000, China, Research Center of Northern Anhui Urban-rural Integration
  • Ling WU School of Management Engineering, Suzhou University,Suzhou city, Anhui province, 234000, China, Research Center of Northern Anhui Urban-rural Integration


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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