

Multi-level Feeder Queue Optimization Charging Model of Electric Vehicle and its Implementation of M-R Algorithm



Recently, issues of energy shortage and environment pollution of mankind society become more and more serious. Production of electric vehicles provides a new idea for mankind to solve this kind of issues. However, large-scale electric vehicles put into operation and connected to the grid is a major challenge to the security and stability of power grid. This paper references the job scheduling algorithm in computer operator system and presents a multi-level feeder queue optimization charging model with comprehensive consideration of the grid-side power load and charging fairness. According to this model we charge for the electric vehicles in regional grid, on the basis of ensuring fairness, realizing optimized charging, to ensure grid security and stability and improve the resource utilization rate. The implementation of multi-level feeder queue optimization charging model of electric vehicles in regional grid requires the fusion of power grid, cars networking, charging station networking and other information. With the development of the industry, the integration of multiple information sources will produce massive heterogeneous data, showed a trend of big data, and its storage and calculating will become a bottleneck. Hadoop open source cloud computing platform can set computing cluster to implement such a big data parallel processing. In this paper, I implement the model in the cloud computing platform through designing the model’s HBase distributed data storage and M-R parallel computing mode.


 1. Introduction
 2. Multi-level Feeder Queue Optimization Charging Model of Electric Vehicle
  2.1. Analysis of Model Need Target
  2.2. Multi-Level Feeder Queue Based Optimization Charging Model’s Establishment
 3. Cloud Computing Platform Based M-R Algorithm Implementationof Multi-Level Feedback Queue Charge Model
  3.1. Problem Analysis of Multiple Information Sources Integration of Electric Vehicles in Regional Power Grid
  3.2. Hadoop Based Multi-Level Feedback Queue Optimization Charge Model System Architecture and Platform Building
  3.3. HBase Based Distributed Storage Structure
  3.4. MapReduce Based Model Parallel Algorithm Implement
 4. Summary and Outlook


  • Wang Wei State Grid Corporation of China
  • Ai Minghao China Electric Power Research Institute
  • Chen Naishi China Electric Power Research Institute
  • Ge Xianjun China Electric Power Research Institute
  • Pu Tianjiao China Electric Power Research Institute


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