

Study on the Organizational Structure of Rural Land Stock Cooperative System based on Game Theory and Network Data




With the development of economy and society, the agricultural land stock cooperation system is a typical system innovation, which has a significant effect on rural production efficiency. In this paper, we research on the organizational structure of rural land stock cooperative system based on game theory; the result shows that the economic performance of land circulation stock cooperative system is much higher than other land transfer mode. At the same time, the mode of joint-stock cooperative system also has high social performance. By using game theory, we find that farmers tend to passively accept unfair treatment in enterprises based on the consideration of individual benefit, so that governments should effectively implement the macro management functions, and make punishment for the behavior of the enterprise managers' untrue disclosure. In order to improve the agricultural land stock cooperation system, the government should make clear the property right of farmland; promote the scale management of agricultural land and enhance the industrialization of rural areas.


 1. Introduction
 2. Literature Review
  2.1. Rural Stock Cooperative System
  2.2. Agricultural Cooperative Economy
 3. Innovation of Rural Land Transfer Mode
  3.1. Rural Land Stock Cooperative System
  3.2. Comparative advantage of share cooperative system
 4. Empirical Analysis
  4.1. Stakeholders
  4.2. Game Analysis of Farmer and Enterprise Managers
  4.3. Game Analysis of Regulators and Enterprise Managers
 5. Conclusions


  • Liang Xiao School of economics and management, Suzhou University, Suzhou city, Anhui province, 234000, China


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